Zesh's Treehouse

Random postings of gaming, primarily computer game tidbits and experiences. (Maybe some testing the limits of vb4 blog.)

  1. [WIP] Wyrmgear

    Yay.. Wyrmgear!

    His cool base came in a week or 2 ago so here he is (without his tail and huge wings).

    I'll likely keep him mostly silver with anything gear-y/pipe-ish bronze and copper rivets and bolts. I do have a metallic blue which is lovely but I'm not sure if I'll use it on him yet. If I do it'll only be in a spot or 2. The white is prepwork for the glow of energy (or gnomish magic?). When I'm done with his colors he'll get a wash of black/dark brown to wear the ...

    Updated February 10th, 2014 at 07:06 PM by Zeshae
