Zesh's Treehouse

Starbound: Beta Sector Homebase

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Some details on planet Beta Delta And 5483 IV (63216569 69991314).

  • Arid with blue-green and brown sand/soils. Safe water on the surface.
  • Safe temperature during the day. At night the temperature drops at a slow rate so be careful (or wear warmer armor)!
  • Deeper below the surface are areas of slime and sewage along with poison waters. Make sure to fill in/cover the poison water before wandering around down there. You will know to watch out for poison water when you see those greenish slime/sweage blocks. Poison isn't as bad as lava (which insta-kills) just make sure your health is topped off and bring bandages/stims.

We've started the homebase in Beta Sector and here's what we've got so far!

Porting down to the planet takes you here! That's Eggy's lil base (or the 'Colonist Welcome Stash', lookie all those crates he's stolens! hee)

teleport in

Then heading west through the tunnel you come to the workshop (metalworking station, workbench, and forge) and the raised planters above. There's lots of different types of seeds so it's growing every session I play. Soon I may section them into their racial food types.


Past the planters is the Rusty Dagger (yay!). As we explore and loot other planets of their cool stuff it'll get added to make it look more tavern-y. The unfinished tower lookin' thang will eventually be the library.

There's a cook below who sells raw goods as well as a cooking fire and cooking table. There is also the refinery to turn your ores into pixels and the pixel compressor to turn those pixels into bars for storage (so you reduce losing all your cash as you explore and die =P )

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Starbound-Rustydagger.jpg 
Views:	1757 
Size:	81.7 KB 
ID:	348

And in starting to expand the 'town', there's the tailor's home! That's where I'm putting anything tailor-ish like plant fibers, leather and flower petals.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Starbound-tailor.jpg 
Views:	3959 
Size:	76.8 KB 
ID:	349


  1. Eggy's Avatar
    I like the little tailor house. That's cool!
  2. Zeshae's Avatar
    Thanks! Joo can claim it if you want, btws!