Dear Jubal,

I am asking that you please do something about Lothared. I don't know what his problem is! It was bad enough when he was dressing like a woman, and making us call him Ardonia, but now it seems he has moved into my room.

Imagine how disgusted I was to open the door to my room and find him lounging on my bed in a pink silken nightgown (complete with ribbons and lace). But it doesn't end there. He put a pink canopy on my bed, and there were rose petals and little pillow things and other girlish nonsense strewn about the room. All my armor was painted with pink enamel. Luckily I had my prized sword with me or it would probably have roses on the hilt and the scent of flowers emanating from it.

After I beat him senseless (not that THAT took long), I told him he could have the room, but I will be in need of another, preferrably with better security.


P.S. I am concerned about Blodeuwedd, he was eating some muffins and I am sure they were made by her. I am afraid he might have eaten her, too. He smelled awful and his hair was in braids. Maybe he is trying to be her.

P.S.S. The room was so pink, I can only think Jesara must have had a hand in helping him decorate. You may want to talk to her about encouraging him like that. You may want to do it soon before I get my hands on her.