Greetings, fellow Knights! Recently a question was asked that flipped my heart over and caused me to wonder, myself. What's happened to all the role play? Are we not the same knights who created such wonderful stories in the past? Or, have our bodies and spirits been taken over by mindless, gaming automatons that do nothing more than DREAM of what was and go through each day taking the same steps we took yesterday?

With that question in mind, and, because the officers of SOK chose me to actually be part of this board in a special way, I've decided to see if there is yet a spark in existence within the Knights. Are we role players? Do we still desire the intricate and exciting dance of words that can only become more intriguing between friends with imagination?

Like Celdryn, I say that, at least, some of us exist with that desire still firmly planted in our hearts. Therefore... be it known and proclaimed throughout the cosmos! The Rusty Dagger is REOPENED!

Within the walls of this quaint place are portals to every world... every dimension... every TIME in which a Knight resides. I invite you to help me flesh out the actual building. I have searched and not yet found an exact description of the Dagger and would appreciate help from anyone who would be willing to write with me in the description of our wonderful home. I also encourage you to prepare the way from YOUR world into the Dagger. There are new games on the horizon, new adventures await us! Are you ready?