I got my hands on an ARC of this book, and while it isn't perfect by any means, it's a fun, fast read that I found quite enjoyable despite its flaws. I'm not sure when it's due to hit the shelves (Amazon has it listed as a pre-order for around $, but the jacket text says it'll be "released this spring".

You can read my full review here (http://www.robbflynn.com/?p=2160), but I'll summarize and highlight a bit:

1. Outstanding pacing.
2. Good development of the protagonist, but secondary characters are cliche and stereotypical.
3. A tight concentration on the protagonist makes this a refreshingly focused (and short at only 309 pages!) fantasy novel.
4. The Epilogue is horrible, has nothing to do with the story, and seems to have the sole purpose of acting as a marketing tool for book 2 in the series. Skip it.