TNT, really simple. Its the return of Warehouse 13.

Magic has been returned to the world at the cost of technology. A magic increases technology fails. Its up to the brave new Libaraians in Trainng (LITs), to rcover the lost items of magical power.

Its present day but the group includes a Guardin (Warrior), a Thief, a math genius (Wizard), and a genius, oilfield worker from OK. with a degree in art history (I have no idea, maybe he's the beefcake bad ass). They'll be taught by a newly found Library researcher, John Laroquette in his small niche that was saved before the library's closure.

Its simple so far, don't expect much depth of plot Basically Warehouse 13 revised.

Did You see the pilot, what was your impression? Should Rebecca Romijn have a better outfit (a business pants suit Yuck!)?